Radio Frequency Treatment at Home

How does our skin age? Why does it become saggy over time? First, we need to understand two substances - collagen and elastin. Below the skin's surface, collagen and elastin support our epidermis, playing a crucial role in maintaining skin firmness.
Starting from the age of 30, we lose about 1% of collagen each year. Consequently, our skin sags and wrinkles appear—inevitable signs of aging. Radio frequency treatment at home emerges as a non-invasive beauty method applicable to various body parts, including the face, forehead, chin, neck, arms, and more. Radio-frequency skin tightening is generally safe, and suitable for all skin types and tones.
Radio Frequency Treatment at Home

How to rescue aging skin?

Radio frequency treatment at home prove to be a worthwhile solution. Whether employing microcurrent technology or radio frequency, both have proven effective. Some beauty device manufacturers offer home skin-tightening devices combining microcurrent and radio frequency. These technologies heat the dermis, stimulating the production of collagen.
Radiofrequency provides different benefits for individuals at various age stages. For those in their twenties, radio frequency treatment can regulate skin texture, and tone, and address acne issues. In their thirties, as wrinkles become more pronounced, at-home radio frequency treatment can reduce wrinkles, lift and tighten the skin, improve skin dullness, and enhance facial contours.
Radio Frequency Treatment at Home

Performing radiofrequency treatment at home
As time passes, concerns about facial wrinkles may arise. If you've been searching for a non-surgical solution, radio-frequency skin tightening is a viable option. Performing radiofrequency treatment at home is straightforward. FITTOP offers a handheld radio frequency beauty device, requiring only 6 minutes of use, 3 times a week. In just 28 days, noticeable facial improvements can be observed.
Among our devices, this home-use radiofrequency treatment device utilizes 3.3MHz radio frequency energy, with 80% reaching the dermis to promote collagen production. Additionally, it employs double-enhanced turbo radio frequency for stronger energy. Considering these features, we highly recommend it. Over time, facial skin becomes firmer, and wrinkles gradually fade away.