How to Use Massage Gun Properly

You can use the fascia gun before a workout to help you relieve muscle tension. You can also use the fascia gun to relieve pain or soreness after strenuous exercise. Of course, when you sit in the office for a long time, you also need a massage gun to relax. Don't underestimate this thing, it can help you relax your every body part.

Back Massage

First, always be sure to start the vibration before starting the massage. Move up and down, back and forth, on the upper neck and upper shoulder muscles. You will feel the nodules, don't apply force on the nodules, as long as you massage for a while, the nodules will dissipate.
Waist Massage
FITTOP recommends that you choose a flat head suitable for waist massage. Pay attention to the position of the hip joint, and spend more time massaging the muscles near the hip joint. Then massage to the buttocks, and finally return to the muscles near the hip joint formassage.

Hip Massage
When massaging the buttocks, first find out the positions of the femoral heads on both sides and the sacrum. Starting from the femoral heads on both sides, slowly walk and massage to the sacrum. There are a lot of muscle fibers in this area of the buttocks, so take the time to massage them back and forth.
How to Use Massage Gun Properly

When using the fascia gun, it should follow the direction of the muscle, so it is necessary to memorize the muscle you want to relax. When relaxing, the fascia gun is pressed against the muscle with proper force, so that it can resonate with the muscle and increase the permeability. Our principle is to push hard and move slowly, for example, make a dozen times before moving, and the distance of each movement is very small. Choose different gun heads according to your relaxed parts.
How to Use Massage Gun Properly

How Long Does the Fascia Gun Need to Massage?

  • After in-depth exercise, it is recommended to massage each major muscle group for 3 to 5 minutes, and it is recommended to use it for a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
  • Usually used for relief at work, just massage the stiff part for 1-2 minutes.

Precautions for Using the Fascia Gun

  • Don't apply too much pressure. The fascia gun has its strength, just walk back and forth towards the massaged muscle group.
  • Pay attention to your feelings, stop the operation if you feel pain, and do not need to massage for too long for one operation.